Office Address

14, Kannayiram Street, Pillaichavady, Pondicherry, India - 605 014.

Phone Number

+91 93421 49218

Top Augmented Reality (AR) App Development Company

Augmented Reality is an advanced immersive technology that unites real and digital worlds. Over the years, AR becomes tangible and delivers measurable results that many businesses have started leveraging this technology to their advantage. Techy Geeks, a leading provider of IT services in India, has been offering customised AR solutions for a wide scale of industries. Our team is comprised of professional AR experts who give you the ability to leverage the potential of Augmented Reality in an efficient manner.

Web AR

Web AR or web-based Augmented Reality is relatively new and does not require any mobile app to indulge in the augmented reality experience. Our expertise in creating Web AR experiences can help businesses to engage their target audience and retain them longer.

Projection-Based AR

Projection-based AR uses projection mapping techniques to overlay AR content on real-life objects. The users can view AR content with their bare eyes, so there is no need for AR glasses or AR-enabled devices. This new perception can increase the agility of the businesses and propel them into future.

Marker-Based AR

Marker-based AR, aka recognition-based AR, works by scanning a marker that triggers an augmented experience to appear on the device. The markers are unique and can be of physical objects or paper-based that camera can easily scan and process. 2D images, 3D objects, Logo and QR codes are used as a marker to trigger the best AR experience.

Outlining AR

Outlining AR makes use of a camera to outline things that can’t be visualized with naked eyes. This augmented reality utilizes object recognition technology to have a better understanding of the user’s current environment.

Marker-Less AR

Marker-Less AR involves placing a 3D content over real world environment, allowing users to experience augmented 3D objects in real-life scale. Audio, video graphics and software with a camera, gyroscope, sensor, accelerometer and processors are used to create 3D graphics in the real world.

Superimposition-Based AR

Superimposition-based AR works on object recognition. In this type of AR, the original image is replaced by augmented image either partially or fully. It is widely used in medical field, historical tour, determining seating arrangements, etc.

Location-Based AR

Location-based AR or Geo-AR or GPS-based ARallows is a markerless, position based and location-based AR that relies on accelerometer, GPS, digital compass and other technologies to recognize the position and location of the device with high precision. The location based AR apps are widely used in navigation, tourism, travel, real estate and many more sectors.

User Defined Marker-Less AR

This user-centric marker-less AR makes use of virtual reality technology. It’s been widely used by businesses of various sectors to educate employees in an engaging way. The users can have better understanding of the content with accurate information.

Our Industries

Augmented Reality Solutions For Various Business Industries:

AR allows users to overlay computer-generated sounds and visuals in the real world, in real time, and thereby offering them an interactive and immersive experience. Thanks to its growing computing power and sophisticated algorithms, many businesses have begun investing heavily in Augmented Reality for various purposes – improve brand awareness, increase customer engagement, create product demos, etc. We, at Techy Geeks, have been providing full-fledged AR solutions for businesses in multiple sectors, including:

The brand-new world of Augmented Reality is hampered with full of possibilities. Let’s deflate all the technical jargons to elevate your brand and give you a cutting edge. For any question you may have about our Augmented Reality App Development, either email us at or call 0 93421 49218.